Turkey Trot Your Way to Family Fun
Nov 10, 2023 07:32AM ● By Caroline Murray
The YMCA Turkey Trot
Thursday, November 23 (Thanksgiving Day)
7 am
We featured the YMCA turkey trot mascot on the cover this month for a reason: This is the 31st year the YMCA has sponsored the granddaddy of family races in the region. The YMCA Turkey Trot is a Thanksgiving Day tradition that attracts runners of all ages and abilities to Fredericksburg each year. Run or walk the 5K course through scenic downtown Fredericksburg lined with city residents to cheer you on. Kids can get in on the fun by joining a parent in the 5K or running the 1-mile race. It’s a Hallmark moment that starts your family. Thanksgiving traditions off right. The race starts at 2300 Washington Ave, Fredericksburg.
To register: https://family-ymca.org/programs/races/turkey-trot/
To register: https://family-ymca.org/programs/races/turkey-trot/
Due to the size of the 5K race, it starts in waves. Wave 1 - Under 35 minutes; Wave 2 - 35-45 minutes; Wave 3 - Over 45 minutes.
If you want to start in the same wave as your friends or family, be sure to enter the same estimated finish time for each runner and select the same wave. Proceeds raised support Rappahannock Area YMCA programs that empower youth, improve community health, and ensure affordable access for all.
Other November Opportunities to Run:
The Bishops Veterans Day 1-mile Fun Run
Sunday, November 12, 2023
11:30 am
This is a run for the whole family, with 5K ($30), 10K ($45) and 1-mile ($20) options. Prices increase $5 on the day of the event. Walkers and Strollers are welcome to attend the event. The location is Pratt Park, 120 River Road, Fredericksburg. The events run from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm.
To register: https://bishopsevents.com/event/2023-veterans-fburg-5k-10k-1m/
To register: https://bishopsevents.com/event/2023-veterans-fburg-5k-10k-1m/
Girls on the Run Piedmont Fall 5k and Birthday Bash
Sunday, November 12, 2023
2 pm
This 5K is sponsored by Girls on the Run will be held at the Virginia Credit Union Fredericksburg Nationals Baseball Stadium. Gates open at 1 pm, and the race starts at 2 pm. The address is 42 Jackie Robinson Way, Fredericksburg, VA, 22401. Youth under 12 are $30, Adults and youth over 12 $40 and race day registration is $50. Although this race is held to celebrate girls completion of a Girls on the Run program, the entire community is welcome to participate.
To register: https://www.gotrpiedmont.org/5k
To register: https://www.gotrpiedmont.org/5k
Girls on the Run inspires participants of all abilities to recognize their individual strengths while building a sense of connection in a team setting. At the end of the season, the team completes a 5K together. The program serves girls 3rd through 8th grade. The local chapter is Girls on the Run Piedmont, serving Culpeper, Fauquier, Madison, Rappahannock, Spotsylvania, and Stafford. The local contact is [email protected]
Looking Ahead:
Chamber CNEW Lunch supporting Girls Who Run
Tuesday December 12th, 2023
The Fredericksburg Area Chamber of Commerce’s Network of Enterprising Women (CNEW) is holding an Annual Silent Auction on November 12, 11:30-1:00 at Stevenson Ridge, to benefit Girls on the Run, their selected nonprofit for 2023. Stevenson Ridge is at 6901 Meeting Street, Spotsylvania. $50 for members and $65 for future members.
To register: https://www.fredericksburgchamber.org/events/cnew-award-and-silent-auction/
To register: https://www.fredericksburgchamber.org/events/cnew-award-and-silent-auction/
Spring 2024–Healthy Kids Running Series
Healthy Kids Running Series is a five week running program in the spring and fall for kids Pre-K through 8th grade. Each HKRS Series takes place once a week and offers age-appropriate running events including the 50- and 75-yard dashes, the 1/4 mile, the 1/2 mile and the 1-mile run. Kids compete each week for a chance to earn points. At the end of the Series, the boys and girls who accumulate the most points in their respective distances are awarded trophies. All participants receive a medal on Week 5!
This Series offers a Challenger Division which is an adaptive 75-yard race for children with disabilities and/or special needs. The local coordinator is Sara Nearman, [email protected]. Races are held at Colonial Forge High School. 550 Courthouse Road, Stafford.